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Avalon Legal Information Services, Inc. provides a wide variety of services and products relating to Civil Process including:





  • Private Process Servers Customized seminars designed to provide training and certification of private process servers for those Sheriff’s departments that use these individuals for service of non-enforceable civil process.


  • On-Site Training - On-site training is available on topics such as Non-Enforceable Civil Process, Enforceable Civil Process, and Service and Enforcement of Injunctions for Protection (Injunctions Class).


  • Publications Two manuals on Civil Process for Sheriff's personnel and one for Private Process Servers are currently available.  A fourth designed specifically for attorneys is currently under development.

  • Newbee Classes - 2 days on Non enforceable and 2 days on enforceable. Truly for brand new personnel in Civil. Covers basics and gets personnel ready for being on civil and continuing education through August classes and regionals.


Based on a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations.




Disclaimer - The materials covered in these classes and publications are intended for informational use only.  The information is meant to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the material covered in these classes and publications.  Avalon Legal Information Services, Inc., the authors and the instructors presenting material in these classes and publications do so with the understanding that they are not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice.  If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.



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